Fat Crush: Toni Jones

Written by Admin Crew October 05, 2021
It’s no secret we crush HARD on folks who advocate for mental health and conscious living. Pair that with creativity, heart thumping beats, and poetic affirmations— now we’re in full-blown LOVE. If you haven’t been introduced to the sounds of Toni Jones, A) open Spotify immediately, and B) prepare to have a new obsession.
Toni Jones is an Affirmation Musician who has found creative ways through music to promote the message of conscious well being and mental health. She inspires women to become more conscious about their well being in a culture that drowns women's entrepreneurship and empowerment with workaholism. In 2019, she released ​​“Affirmations for The Grown Ass Woman”, later followed by her EP “Affirmations and Chill” , and most recently the “I see Me Mantras” album, which we just can’t get enough of at the Coven. 

The way we talk to ourselves as humans is a core requirement for conscious evolution. Hop on the Toni Jones affirmation train for a lil extra encouragement 😉